A "Press Your Luck" game. Stay in the round to get more treasure or leave and secure your winnings. Play 5 rounds and see who has the most treasure at the end.
The odds are interesting on this game. The deck is an even split with 15 treasure cards and 15 hazard cards but you need 3 identical hazard cards to lose the round. After 2 of a single hazard have been played in a round you could calculate the odds, but these change fast with every draw. You also have to keep track of the available treasure on the board that can be claimed by stopping, but have to balance that with your estimate of how likely another person is to quit at the same time.
From about 10 rounds of game play the person that won had about 35-40 treasure points.
I'm thinking the artifact cards in the game are not a good addition. They are to random, and a bit annoying.
3.5/5 Slightly Above Average
Easy to learn and fun to play. Best with 4 people. Works great with a group of mixed ages. Great if you want to play something with your parents that's not Rummy cube.
A fun press your luck game. I enjoyed the 'multiple ways to (attempt to) win' by attempting to leave with enough treasure first, stay until you get the most treasure, or try to be the only person to leave with an artifact.